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Is SMASH Right For You?

Are you wondering if the SMASH products and programmes are right for you?
Take the following quiz and you will find out which is the best product or programme for your current situation.
First up, what should we call you?

How much weight would you like to lose?
Enter any additional information about the quiz



1-2 stone

2-3 stone

3+ stone
How quickly would you like to lose this?
Enter any additional information about the quiz

1 month

2 months

3 months

6 months

no time frame set
What have you done in the past to lose weight?
Enter any additional information about the quiz

Calorie Counting

Slimming World

Weight Watchers


Personal Trainer

Shake Diets


Diet Pills/Slimming Coffees

Something else
Are you willing to commit to a 28 day reset?
Enter any additional information about the quiz



private 1 to 1

on line facebook group
What is your current mindset with losing weight?
Enter any additional information about the quiz

I just want to lose weight

I want to lose weight and understand the basics around it

I want to lose weight and gain lots of knowledge and break up with the diet industry for good

I don’t care about what I need to do, just as long as I lose weight
Do you suffer from any underlying health conditions?
Enter any additional information about the quiz

No Health Concerns



Skin conditions

Gut Issues

General Aches and Pains



Heart Issues

Something else
How much are you willing to invest in your weight loss journey?
Enter any additional information about the quiz

Under £50



Are you interested in using supplements to support your body on your health journey?
Enter any additional information about the quiz



Almost there…
Where can we email your results? Please enter your details below.

You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%%

This means that unfortunately you are not suitable for any of the Group SMASH Programmes.
All of the group programmes are currently only for females over the age of 18.
You can however avail of 1 to 1 coaching.
If you would like to take advantage of a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call please email me with your telephone number and a time that suits and I will give you a call.
Chat soon
Sandra x
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%%

Congratulations. The means that you are most suited to the SMASH Masterplan.
This is a 28 day Reset with over 120 delicious recipes, guides and support to help you along the way.
This is a great way to get your weight loss started, with many women achieving a weight loss of 10-14lbs within the first 28 days.
If you would like to take advantage of a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call to discuss your outcome, please email me with your telephone number and a time that suits and I will give you a call.
Chat soon
Sandra x
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%%

The means that you are most suited to the SMASH 8 Week Educational Course.
This course will educate you on all of the pieces that are linked to your health jigsaw and help you to put those pieces back together again so you can feel absolutely amazing.
This 8 week course is so much more than a weight loss programme. It is an educational system that you do at your own speed that will change your life forever.
By completing the 8 Week Course you can break up with dieting forever and change your life.
If you would like to take advantage of a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call to discuss your outcome, please email me with your telephone number and a time that suits and I will give you a call.
Chat soon
Sandra x
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%%

Due to the complex nature of your current situation, the best SMASH Product for you would be to have an Initial Consultation.
This would involve an in depth look at your current situation, health questionnaires, a 90 minute 1 to 1 consultation and a 3 day food analysis and report.
Upon completing your consultation, you will receive personalised recommendations as to what is the best way forward.
If you would like to take advantage of a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call to discuss your outcome, please email me with your telephone number and a time that suits and I will give you a call.
Chat soon
Sandra x
Book Now
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%%

The best product for you is 1 to 1 coaching that will enable a very personalised, bespoke service for you.
I do recommend that you have an initial consultation prior to starting your coaching so I have all the relevant information to ensure the best outcome possible.
We will unpack your concerns and issues around food and put a personalised plan together so you can smash your health goals going forward.
Weekly 60 minute coaching sessions will ensure that you follow through on your coaching.
If you would like to take advantage of a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call to discuss your outcome, please email me with your telephone number and a time that suits and I will give you a call.
Chat soon
Sandra x
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