The effects of stress on your body can be devastating.

Most people suffer from STRESS!!

It is the price we pay for modern life. We are running around like headless chickens, not eating correctly, lacking in sleep, not exercising enough and technology fries our brains (check out the photo ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). This puts major stress on our bodies.

One of the main things that stress does, is cause inflammation!

This has a terrible effect on your body. Most people suffer from inflammation and they aren’t even aware of it.

The scary thing is that with stress and inflammation it can lead to diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, immune diseases, to name a few.

Other things that can also lead to inflammation along side stress are:

  • Too much of the wrong types of food
  • Too much sugar
  • Too many refined white carbohydrates
  • Aspartame! It is hidden in so many things that you would be surprised
  • Too much Omega6
  • Too much Alcohol
  • Too little rest and sleep
  • Some drugs and medications

It is quite interesting that the things that we do to try and combat stress are the things that stress the body out more. It really is a viscous circle.

Take control and try and reduce the stress that is happening in your body:-

  • Eat a healthier diet packed full of vitamins and minerals
  • Try and do some exercise – even if it is just 10 minutes
  • Cut back on alcohol consumption
  • Take high quality Omega3 Fish Oil(make sure it is non toxic and produced without the use of hexane)
  • Try and do some exercise
  • Cut out “diet” drinks and “low fat” foods – most have aspartame in it.
  • Take time out to relax.

Hope this helps

Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandra Miskimmin


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